Recipes · Total Elimination Diet

Roasted Potatoes – Total Elimination Diet

You want to know what’s delicious?  Potatoes coated in an Italian Herb Dressing Packet and roasted in the oven.  Since that does not meet qualifications for the Total Elimination Diet, potatoes roasted with salt and pepper will have to do.  I love the crunch these have when roasted for the full time.  It adds a little texture to the otherwise dullness that is the Total Elimination Diet.

1) 2 Lbs of white or yellow potatoes (peeled or unpeeled), cut into 1/2 inch pieces.
2) 2-4 Tbsp olive oil
3) 1/2- 1 tsp salt
4) 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of freshly ground black pepper (to taste)

1) Preheat oven to 425°F. Place potatoes in a 9 x 13 pan.
2) Pour olive oil over potatoes and add the remaining ingredients. Stir together until
potatoes are evenly coated.
3) Place in oven and bake, stirring every 15 minutes (so they evenly crisp and don’t stick to
the pan), until potatoes are tender and starting to brown in spots and get crispy. This
will take about 45-55 min.

1) I did not use enough olive oil the first time I did this recipe.  The potatoes stuck to the
pan which cause a semi-emotional breakdown on Day 1 of my TED journey…hey, I was
hungry! I have no idea how much I used because I eye-balled it.  I think next time I’ll try
to grease the pan before I add the oiled potatoes to the pan to see if that helps.
2) Update*** I used parchment paper the second time I made these and it worked
3) The picture shows the potatoes when I made them during the reintroduction phase and put parsley on them.
4) ***During the Reintroduction Phase, I started adding herbs (parsley or rosemary) once they had been reintroduced to the diet to help enhance the flavor.

These Roasted Potatoes are adapted from this recipe so they fit the TED qualifications.

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